Benefiting Backpack Blessings & Recovery Communities, Inc.
Please Join us for a night of wonder & fun with an Art Gallery, Taco 30A Food Truck, 30A Oyster, Cash Bar, desert by Creations by Kay & live music by the Will Thompson Band. Our goal is to raise $66K to charities for Karen's 66 Birthday!!
Our Amazing Featured Artists include: Renee Broxson • Gisselle Barnhart • Christon Anderson • Katie Hughes • Hellen Ferrell (Beach Art Group) • Beau Bradbury • Rob Woodrum • Tana Plyler • Brit Norton • Sarah Gramlich
Tickets are $50 donation at the door to one of our benefiting charities to enter. If you received entries per sponsorship, they will be available at will call. With ticket donations you'll get great food and fun and we'll also have a cash bar.
Parking at Liddon Furniture & Home Decor w/ shuttles to Beachy Beach HQ - 17756 Panama City Beach Pkwy, PCB FL 32413